Singapore is known for its high cost of living and competitive culture. The pursuit of wealth and bigger bank accounts has become inevitable, especially for the “strawberry generation”. Some of them push themselves hard in the pursuit of the 5C’s- car, cash, credit card, condo and country club. While some of the needs may be fulfilled, the insatiable desires are still left unsatisfied and can lead to a feeling of discontent or unhealthy competitive behavior. A report in the Straits Times (14 April 2014) reveals that more young professionals are suffering from burn-out possibly from the need to prove themselves and working extra longer hours. These are issues which should not be taken lightly. Research suggests that an unhappy or an unsatisfied person may develop undesirable symptoms like anxiety disorders and depression which not only affects him, but also others close to him.
Leading a minimalist lifestyle is something that may come to help in such situations. This lifestyle is being followed by notable people around the world for ages and now the modern age people are adopting it too. Being a minimalist in our society has some of the following benefits:
Your self-worth is more than net-worth
Minimalism is about being comfortable with what you have or can afford. Most of the things are only bought if you need them, not because you want them. People who follow this lifestyle may not gather much belongings around them. Their living space is made up of what is necessary to survive in a healthy and comfortable environment. Their wardrobes consist of 3 to 4 attire combinations that are more than enough to survive the week or month. They do not have to spend thousands of dollars on shopping for expensive clothing and still feel that there is something missing. Being a minimalist is easy on the wallet and the idea is to spend less but feel adequately sufficient. Contentment is far more valuable than anything, because one who finds contentment, is always satisfied.
Leading the life you want
Being a minimalist is about not trying to match or surpass other people in terms of lifestyle. This helps in preventing one from being disconnected from their true self and always focusing on what their peers are doing.
It is about letting go of the need to be the same or better than others. In fact, being better or worse is sometimes nothing more than just an illusion. Your friend who stays in a condo and drives a sports car could be struggling to meet the minimum monthly payments while you can afford to make cash payments fully on your HDB flat. Too many people often buy things that they may not need, with the money that they may not already have, to impress the ones they don’t really like.
Time for productivity
Have you ever wondered about how much time you have spend to decide on what to wear every morning? An outfit will not change the world nor even change your day, but some of us simply spend too much time on these frivolous details which keep us away from being productive and creative. Steve Jobs is a prime example how leading a minimalist lifestyle helps him in being at his best every day. Although being a billionaire, his beginnings were humble and he followed that till the end of his life with his trademark turtle neck and blue jeans and ended up being one of the most influential people of this century.
Healthy emotions and inspiration to others
Depression is spreading like a contagious disease nowadays, whereas following a minimalistic lifestyle keeps the depression at bay. When a person is satisfied and happy with his life he can influence other people’s emotions in a positive way. Happiness can flow like an energy from one person to another without even being realized and that can only happen if the person transferring is joyful and is far away from negative emotions in his life. A person living a healthy lifestyle is full of positivity can become an inspiration to others. When a person is satisfied with his life it gives him confidence and a peace of mind which can attract other people in making their lives better.
We hope that the above sharing will help to shed some light on the benefits of adopting a minimalistic lifestyle in Singapore. We are certainly not contending that those with riches or are highly competitive cannot be happy or satisfied in their lives. But we do believe that there are far other things that might be worth pursuing as well as long as we live lives of joy and fulfillment and help others to do the same.
“A person living a healthy lifestyle is full of positivity and can become an inspiration to others.”
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The Minimalist Society is a brand that focuses deeply on purpose and social good for our society at large. We do so by crafting experiences that makes people’s lives simple through interior design. We have been featured extensively by renowned online portals, in print and on screen, such as The Straits Times, Business Insider, Lianhe Zaobao, The Business Times, Singapore Home and Decor, Lookbox Living, Houzz, Cromly, Qanvast, Vulcan Post, Yahoo and MM2 Entertainment Singapore. At Team Minimalist, simplicity is a goal, a work style, and a measuring stick. By leading a life of purpose, our home owners can embrace only on the things that will add to the mission of significance and ultimately living their best story.