Enter a world of minimalism.
We live to simplify.
Minimal Elegance Fills This must-See Abode
Be amazed by the aesthetics of this resale apartment. Try not to get too envious as you take a virtual tour in their new abode.

This Muji Inspired Home Will Take Your Breathe Away
Come home to retreat.

House Tour: Alicia's Bright Scandinavian Minimalist Condo
This home is a master class in scandi design that stands out in all the right ways.

Muji-Styled Home In The Heartlands
Home can be as simple as you want it to be.

The Music Of Minimalism
There’s a sense of calm when you enter Genell’s 4-room Scandinavian home she shares with her husband. It must be what Genell’s piano students feel [...]

Livin' The Simple And Sweet Life
“If you walk into a café and spotted someone sipping a cuppa whilst being actively engaged in thoughts, that person could probably be me,” Benny begins [...]

Life, Inspired
Ivan and Fiona are both busybees “in demanding banking jobs.” What they need after a long day at work is to come home to a clean and simple space and [...]

Top 4 Benefits Of Minimalism
Singapore is known for its high cost of living and competitive culture. The pursuit of wealth and bigger bank accounts has become inevitable, especially for the “strawberry generation”. [...]

20 Ways To Achieve A Muji-Style Home
A home built on Muji philosophy is about minimalism in design and quality in living. Similarly to their ideation journey, we will always first ask, “What’s best from the user’s point of view?” [...]

How To Light Up Your Home And Your Life
Lighting is often checked off in the to-do list items for some renovation projects and then becomes an afterthought which is too late. A good planning at the start will help home owners save [...]

House Tour: Dave and Kate's Clean And Simple Minimalist HDB Home
“The Japanese has this concept called ‘MA’ where everything in your house has a purpose. You don’t have anything extra. You don’t have any clutter. You know exactly what you have. You don’t feel like, ‘Oh my gosh, [there’s too much clutter] I have to get out of here,” begins Kate, who lives in a 5-room minimalist [...]

Putting Scandinavian Designs Into Singapore Homes
Maximum style with maximum living space is what Scandinavian Interior Design is all about. Scandinavian Interior Design is a mixture of [...]
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